Friday, September 3, 2010

Male Feminist

Dear Hope,

What is a feminist? Is feminist always a female? Can a male be a feminist too? I am sure everyone has their own opinion regarding the issue of feminism. But this is my opinion on feminism and what is a male feminist. Some might say that there is no such thing as a male feminist, man can't be a feminist, and why do man need to feels the need to assert themselves into every struggle? Man can be supportive of feminist ideals, can works with feminist groups in a supportive role, and yet the man can't be a feminist.

Personally, I strongly disagree with that view. That is a view of a sexist and chauvinist person. This kind of people might feels nervous or afraid seeing a man claiming himself as a feminist and fights for gender equality and opportunity because they might afraid that the machismo that a man claims they always have with them might be degraded. But I don't blame this type of people wholeheartedly because we've been living in a patriarchal society since ages. Man dominates the world. It's a man world. Man rules everything. Man is the voice. Man Man Man!

...“I wish to start out by stating that the goal of my activism, generally speaking, has been the overthrow of capitalism, male supremacy and racism and the establishment of a classless society where all privilege is abolished. What I want is a government and an economic system truly of, by and for the people all the people whose labor and creativity feeds us, clothes us, houses us, entertain us, and in every way makes life better for us”. ... - Carol Hanisch

I would like to quote Simone de Beauvoir in her book, 'The Second Sex'; "...humanity is an autonomous being..she is simply what man decrees, thus she is called 'the sex' by which it meant that she appears essentially to the male as the sexual being. She is defined and differentiates with references to man and not the references to her; she is the incidental as opposed to the essential. He is the subject, he is the absolute - she is the other."

Therefore, woman is seen to be socially constructed in relation to and as inferior to the superior man. It is the man who defines woman and that put woman at the inferior and lower level than the man himself. A man from infancy is nurtured to assume unquestioned superiority by which he defines woman's role creates and maintains a mythology of woman based on her feminity, weakness and subordination to his power. It's the boy who plays with trucks, racing cars, dress up as an army and it's the girl who plays with the dolls, cooking, dress up in a gown. Who's to blamed?

"You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman."

So, am I a feminist? I never realised myself that I have always have the passion towards feminism or women's rights. I started off as being a environmentalist, back when I was still in school. Then, I went into law school and the first few years I still have the passion towards the environment(and I am still now an environmentalist), but only that time I learned about humanity and human rights, it excites me. I was hungry to learn and to know more on that subject, I do my own research and I read a lot on the human rights issue. I starts meeting and be friend with people who shares the same passion as I do. I also started to get involves with organisations that protect, advocate and fight for human rights.

However, human rights is a wide field of issues, it goes on from children, aborigines, refugees, slavery, people living with HIV/AIDS, LGBT and so on. But only one and particular branch that get my attention, which is the woman and children rights. And up until now I am still questioning myself why do I choose to get involves with woman's issues. I am not a woman and why do I care? For me, I do agree that only woman understands woman, however, a man who are not a woman and sometimes do not understand woman, who shows much interest in woman's issues is much more sensitive towards woman's struggling, and that man, is me. And I am proud of my mother, she is the reason why I choose to fight for woman's rights.

The emotional, sexual, and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, "It's a girl." ~Shirley Chisholm

I guess that it for now. I will try my best to write more on feminism and woman's issue on my later entry, as well as why I am to passionate on this subject. So, am I a feminist? Regardless of what other people think or say about me, I am proud to say that I am a feminist and I am a male feminist.

Love your woman,


Patuh Senjakala said...

aku saaangat setuju dengan statement kau di atas.
takmau la nak komen banyak2 sbb aku komen dalam bm ja.

Wish said...

komen je la kuamer dlm bahasa apa pun..
no language boundaries..